Thursday, September 12, 2019

How I live an eco-vanlife

Hello lovers of the world! Are you feeling the desire to make your routine more earth-friendly? I put together a small but mighty list of the best tips and hacks for an environmentally-conscious life. All of this can apply to vanlifers, campers, travelers, and homesteaders alike! This isn’t an exhaustive list, I’m sure you’ve heard and read a lot about eco-living and don’t need a list of 50 actions to do. And I realize that there are a million articles and blogs already out there that give great advice on this subject, but it’s hard to know what’s right for you to do, and what fits in best with your lifestyle. We’re all well aware that we can’t be perfect, so rather than not try at all, we pick what life tips can be best applied and do them right. So to give y'all some inspiration, I'm sharing the eco-actions that I do, and I hope you'll feel welcome to adopt too in "greening" your life 💚.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"Where do you shower?"

Although I love being in the van, I don’t necessarily want to look like I live in a van (down by the river). When planning for van life, I knew hot showers and hot water would become more of a rarity, so I had to get creative when it came to hygiene while living on the road. All while following my rule for vanlife: keep stuff to minimum and make sure it’s worth it. Lucky for me I didn’t have to adjust too much since I wasn’t a product junkie before, but I did have to make decisions such as “bring nail polish or not?” and “do I really need both day and night moisturizers?” (those answers were no and yes). But I did manage to cut back on my beauty and bath supplies by a LOT, and I made some swaps to make my routine more efficient. So I’d like to share what I have learned, and what I do to make myself look and feel my best for good van living. 😘