Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Winter in the Van

I’m sure this is a contested opinion, but I see winter as a magical time. I love the glistening snow, experiencing the thrill of skiing, and enjoying hot chocolate (with booze, let’s be real) by the fireplace.. but things change when you live a van during the winter time. It can be just as magical, but there’s quite a few challenges in guaranteeing comfort. Of course, warmth is the first thing on your mind, then there’s navigating more difficult weather, and finally, you’ll have to figure out where to park since many campgrounds close for the off season. So I’m here to help you out a little and give some insight into how we survived living in our van in the Rockies last winter. 

So last winter, ‘17-’18, was a LOT of fun, and yes it was hard but it didn’t matter because it was truly living the #vanlife of my dreams. We got to be the ski bums we always wanted to be, driving to ski resorts, parking there and sleeping overnight, and waking up to a glorious day that we’d spend on the mountain. We had the Ikon Base Pass, so it allowed us access to mountains all across the country, but we stuck to the West. We started in California, going to Mammoth then Tahoe, then we booked it across Nevada to Salt Lake City, Utah where we skied Alta and Park City.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Van Life FAQ

Alright folks, here it is. The Frequently Asked Questions on Van Life... as it has been in my experiences thus far. We are one year and a few months into our life on the road, and I’ve definitely learned a lot about how to do it efficiently, and especially how to slow down and laugh more at life’s inconsistencies. Living in a van is not always glamorous as some may see on social media. There’s a lot of planning involved, and of course plans fail sometimes. But I'm going to share with y'all how I’m doing van life. Read on if you want the inside scoop.